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Intuitive & Psychic Development Course
Welcome! (4:19)
Daily Practice Moving Forward 1 (9:18)
Daily Practice Moving Forward 2 (2:34)
PART 1: Intuitive Development
1A Class: What Is Intuition And Where Does It Come From? (13:07)
1B Class: What Does Intuition Feel Like To Experience? (10:09)
1C Class: The Correct State Of Mind When Using Our Intuition (8:29)
1D Exercise: Developing Intuition (6:02)
1E Guided Meditation: Connect With Your Higher Self
1F Class: Using The Pendulum (11:59)
1G Exercise: Intuiting The Best Path To Take In Life (6:41)
1H Guided Meditation: Raising Your Vibration
1I How To: Connect With Your Spirit Guides (4:54)
1J Class: Intuiting Synchronicities (8:54)
PART 2: Psychic Development
2A Class: What Are The Psychic Senses? (14:03)
2B Class: The Best Approach To Psychic Work (11:35)
2C Class & Exercise: Oneness Is Key & Oneness Mindfulness (9:48)
2D Class: Developing The Clairs (16:34)
2E Class: Knowing The Thoughts, Energies & Auras Of Others (12:11)
2F Exercise: Feeling Into What Someone Will Tell You (Classic Psychic Work) (3:46)
2G Exercise: Clairvoyance & Claircognizance Practice (7:49)
2H Class: Precognition (7:09)
2I Exercise: Predicting The Future (4:12)
2J Class: Reading Atmospheres & Objects (10:05)
PART 3: More Ways To Grow
3A Class & Exercise: Protection From Negative Energies & Beings (16:20)
3B Notes: My Favorite Lifestyle Choices To Open Your Third Eye & Raise Your Vibration
3C Exercise: Channeling Through Automatic Writing (5:42)
3D Guided Meditation: Remote Viewing Trip
In Closing
To Finish (1:52)
1H Guided Meditation: Raising Your Vibration
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